Year: 2010

As We Forgive

Two Rwandan women come face-to-face with the men who slaughtered their families during the 1994 genocide.

At the Gate: Palestinian Nonviolence

“Why don’t Palestinians just use nonviolence–they will surely win?” ask many well-meaning people. This original documentary film answers the question. Palestinians have been using nonviolent resistance for all of their history. Hear in their own voices how and why it works.


In the 53-minute documentary film Coexist, Rwanda’s unprecedented social experiment in government-mandated reconciliation is revealed for the first time through the eyes of a diverse range of survivors: victims, perpetrators, and those who bore witness to the 1994 genocide.

Even the Rain

Bolivian film extras launch a protest against the privatization of their water supply, which parallels the Spanish conquest and exploitation of the New World.

First Light

An 18-year-old boy joins 92 squadron of Her Majesty’s Air Force.

Grace, Milly, Lucy

In Uganda, more than 30,000 children have been abducted by rebel troops over the past 20 years and forced into armed conflict.

Grace Paley: Collected Shorts

Grace Paley reminisces about her work, life and family and her literary and political influence.

Pushing the Elephant

The extraordinary story of a mother and daughter reunited after a decade separated by the civil war in the Congo.

The Tillman Story

The family of professional football player turned soldier Pat Tillman sets out to explore and uncover the real story behind their son’s death in April 2004 when he was serving in Afghanistan.


A Nebraska cop serves as a peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia and outed the U.N. for covering up a sex scandal.