Journals in the Field
The Acorn: Philosophical Studies in Pacifism and Nonviolence is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal devoted to the philosophical examination of the theory and practice of activism, nonviolence, organizing, pacifism, protest, people power, and resistance especially related to examples such as M. K. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, or Jane Addams. Established in 1986 by Ha Poong Kim, and edited for many years by Barry L. Gan, The Acorn is today published biannually with the support of Texas State University.
The African Journal on Conflict Resolution (AJCR) publishes the writings of a wide range of African and international authors in the field, but emphasis has deliberately been kept on African writers and the thinking emerging from African universities, colleges and organisations. The objectives of the journal are to promote a culture of peace and stability by facilitating the exchanging of ideas and expertise within the conflict resolution community on the continent of Africa, to contribute to developing home-grown (African) methods of preventing, managing and resolving conflict on the continent and the provide a forum for information sharing, networking and learning in the field of conflict resolution. Articles of an academic nature on the theory and practice of dealing with conflict, especially in the context of Africa, are published. Envisaged readers are academic researchers, teachers and students and practitioners in the field of dealing with conflict.
The Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution (CJCR) is the country’s preeminent legal journal of arbitration, negotiation, mediation, settlement, and restorative justice. We are one of the most heavily-cited legal publications in the broad field of “Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution,” ranked as seventh internationally in 2014.
[Note this journal is published in Spanish by the Institute for Pedagogy, Peace and Urban Conflict at the Francisco José de Caldas District University (IPAZUD). English is included at the bottom of this page.]
La Revista Ciudad Paz-ando (RCP) del Instituto para la Pedagogía, la Paz y el Conflicto Urbano de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (IPAZUD), es un producto electrónico e impreso de periodicidad semestral que publica los resultados de investigación, revisión y reflexión de la comunidad académico-científica, en el área de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas acerca de temas como la paz, el conflicto, la democracia, la cultura de Derechos Humanos y los estudios de género.
En este sentido, la RCP tiene como público objetivo a toda la comunidad académica interesada en el trabajo investigativo propio de las Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Como eje articulador de la discusión académica, la revista busca que las reflexiones y presentaciones de los trabajos de investigación que en ella se publican tengan los más altos estándares de calidad y pertinencia con el ánimo de contribuir a nuevas perspectivas sobre los temas de los que se ocupa.
Ciudad Pazando tiene como objetivo difundir el conocimiento, el ejercicio académico, la investigación y la reflexión que desde la pluralidad de perspectivas se puede realizar sobre los ámbitos sociales, políticos, económicos y culturales conducentes a la apertura de espacios de democracia y tolerancia a través de la difusión escrita de las ideas. De esta manera, después de una década de trabajo editorial y académico (Su primer número fue publicado en 2008, por lo que cuenta con más de doce años de periodicidad ininterrumpida), la RCP se ha consolidado como una de las revistas científicas más reconocidas en el gran tema que configuran los estudios sobre la paz.
ISSN: 2011-5253
e-ISSN: 2422-278X
Periodicidad: Semestral (enero – junio) (julio – diciembre)
Área temática: Ciencias Sociales (paz, memorias, ciudadanía, territorio, conflicto, pedagogía y estudios de género).
[English below]
The Ciudad Paz-ando Magazine (RCP) of the Institute for Pedagogy, Peace and Urban Conflict of the Francisco José de Caldas District University (IPAZUD), is an electronic and printed product on a semiannual basis that publishes the results of research , review and reflection of the academic-scientific community, in the area of Social and Human Sciences on topics such as peace, conflict, democracy, Human Rights culture and gender studies.
In this sense, RCP’s target audience is the entire academic community interested in investigative work in the Human and Social Sciences. As the articulating axis of academic discussion, the journal seeks to ensure that the reflections and presentations of the research works published in it have the highest standards of quality and relevance with the aim of contributing to new perspectives on the topics covered. occupies
Ciudad Pazando aims to disseminate knowledge, academic practice, research and reflection that can be carried out from a plurality of perspectives on the social, political, economic and cultural spheres leading to the opening of spaces of democracy and tolerance through the written dissemination of ideas. In this way, after a decade of editorial and academic work (its first issue was published in 2008, so it has more than twelve years of uninterrupted periodicity), RCP has established itself as one of the most recognized scientific journals in the great topic that makes up peace studies.
ISSN: 2011-5253
e-ISSN: 2422-278X
Periodicity: Semiannual (January – June) (July – December)
Thematic area: Social Sciences (peace, memories, citizenship, territory, conflict, pedagogy and gender studies).
Civil Wars publishes original scholarship on all aspects of intrastate conflict, including its causes and nature, and the factors which help to explain its onset, duration, intensity, termination and recurrence. It also publishes work which explores the epistemology of scholarship on intrastate conflict and contributes to debates about the politics, sociology and economics of civil wars, and the significance of intrastate conflict for international relations.
Since 1966 the leading international journal in its field, covering a wide range of topics, reviewing significant developments and providing a forum for cutting-edge debates about theory and practice. It adopts a broad definition of community development to include policy, planning and action as they impact on the life of communities. We particularly seek to publish critically focused articles which challenge received wisdom, report and discuss innovative practices, and relate issues of community development to questions of social justice, diversity and environmental sustainability.
Conflict & communication online is a multi-lingual, peer-reviewed academic journal with a trans-disciplinary orientation. The publication languages are German and English. Short summaries of all contributions will appear in both publication languages. The aim of conflict & communication online is to further discussion and exchange among researchers of different nationalities and disciplines, and by creatively employing the special possibilities offered by the Internet to set new quality standards.
Conflict Management and Peace Science is a peer-reviewed journal published five times a year. CMPS contains scientific papers on topics such as: international conflict; arms races; the effect of international trade on political interactions; foreign policy decision making; international mediation; and game theoretic approaches to conflict and cooperation.
Conflict Resolution Quarterly is an academic publication. CRQ publishes scholarship on relationships between theory, research, and practice in the conflict management and dispute resolution field to promote more effective professional applications. Conflict Resolution Quarterly is sponsored by the Association for Conflict Resolution. As the fields of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Conflict Resolution experience exponential growth, Conflict Resolution Quarterly has become an indispensable tool for practitioners, scholars and students. That’s why it is the most widely distributed journal covering the role of the neutral in processes such as mediation, arbitration, negotiation, facilitation and other conflict resolution processes at the local, national and international levels.
Conflict, Security and Development provides an analytical and empirically informed treatment of the linkages between issues of security and development in contemporary international relations. It places emphasis on the need to examine issues of security and development in their mutual interaction rather than as separate areas of academic enquiry and policy-making.
Published for over 50 years, Cooperation and Conflict is a peer reviewed journal committed to publishing high quality articles that examines a broad set of research questions. It believes in academic pluralism and thus does not represent any specific methodology, approach, tradition or school. The mission of the journal is to publish work that is theoretically informed, empirically rich, and methodologically rigorous, and which advances the state of the art of the discipline through theoretical, conceptual and methodological innovation.
Critical Studies on Terrorism is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal. The journal seeks to publish quality research on all aspects of terrorism, counter-terrorism and state terror. All submitted manuscripts are subject to an initial blind peer -review by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to a second peer -review by independent, anonymous expert referees. Submission is by email. Critical Studies on Terrorism aims to create space for robust, innovative research on terrorism and political violence, and encourages fruitful intellectual engagement between critical and orthodox accounts of terrorism. In particular, the Editors are looking for empirical, theoretical and policy-oriented articles that recognise the inherently problematic nature of the terrorism label, employ a critical-normative perspective broadly defined, and challenge accepted orthodoxies. Research on terrorism employing methodological and disciplinary perspectives from outside the political science and international relations paradigms is especially encouraged.
Defence and Peace Economics (DPE) has established itself as the prime outlet of quality research in all aspects of the economics of defence, security, disarmament, conflict and peace. DPE, a bimonthly peer reviewed journal, attracts scholarly contributions from academics and practitioners worldwide and provides its readers with the latest studies and analyses on issues of defence and security. Major thematic areas covered include conflict and civil war, national security, terrorism, peacemaking and peacekeeping, conflict resolution, the economic effects of defence spending, arms races, the arms trade, the economics of alliances, burden sharing, defence management, budgeting and procurement, military personnel recruitment and retention, the defence‐industrial complex, defence R&D, country and industry surveys.
Development in Practice offers practice-based analysis and research relating to development and humanitarianism providing a worldwide forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences among practitioners, scholars, policy shapers, and activists. By challenging current assumptions, and by active editorial engagement with issues of diversity and social justice, the journal seeks to stimulate new thinking and ways of working.
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a strategic forum for international and multi-disciplinary dialogue for all academic educators and educational policy-makers concerned with the meanings and form of citizenship and social justice as these are realised throughout the time spent in educational institutions.
Ethnic and Racial Studies aims to be the leading journal for the analysis of the role of race, racism, ethnicity, migration and forms of ethno-nationalism. These social phenomena are at the heart of many of the major social and political issues in the modern world. As the leading journal in these areas we seek to provide an interdisciplinary academic forum for the presentation of research and theoretical analysis, drawing particularly on sociology, social policy, anthropology, political science, international relations, geography, history, social psychology and cultural studies.
Geopolitics is an international and multidisciplinary journal devoted to contemporary research on geopolitics. It provides an arena for scholarly analysis addressing the intersection of geography and global politics from various disciplinary and methodological perspectives, and from vantage points embedded in diverse locations. It welcomes theories, methods and methodologies that advance our understanding of the geographic and multiscalar dynamics of global politics.
Global Change, Peace & Security is a leading refereed journal that addresses the difficult practical and theoretical questions posed by a rapidly globalising world. By focusing on the international dimension of political, economic and cultural life, it cuts across the traditional boundaries that separate states, economies and societies, as well as disciplines and ideologies. Global Change, Peace & Security seeks to illuminate the sharp and often perplexing contradictions of an increasingly integrated yet fragmented world. Ethno-nationalism, the break-up of established states, and religious and civilizational divisions coexist with new forms of economic and financial integration. Gross violations of human rights, environmental degradation, large and uncontrolled population movements, and rapidly expanding transnational crime are taking place at a time of unparalleled UN activism, and the rise of a host of new legal and institutional arrangements, both regionally and globally.
Global Society is an interdisciplinary journal of international studies that promotes the analysis of the internationalisation and globalisation of various levels of social, economic and political interaction from a multitude of disciplines, including international relations, political science, political philosophy, international political economy, international law, international conflict analysis and international sociology. An ever integrating global society raises a number of issues for the study of international relations, and the editors welcome submissions exploring themes related to global governance, human rights, poverty and development, conflict, trade, gender, nationalism, religion, ethnicity, migration, terrorism and criminal activities, genocides, health, and environmental degradation. The journal is open to different methodological and theoretical approaches and seeks to publish articles that appeal to a wide readership, including policy makers and practitioners.
Globalisation, Societies and Education aims to fill the gap between the study of education and broader social, economic and political forces by analysing the complexities of globalisation. The journal seeks to provide means for affecting, as well as reflecting the experiences, distribution, contributions and outcomes of education at all levels and in all settings. Globalisation, Societies and Education represents scholarly analysis carried out from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including sociology, philosophy, politics, geography, history, economics, management and comparative studies as applied to education and its related fields. We welcome articles drawing on empirical research, comparative and single system case studies and theoretical explorations in the broad area of the relationships between globalisation, societies and education.