About the Peace Chronicle

Brought to you by the Peace & Justice Studies Association, The Peace Chronicle offers articles, news, and resources to support the work that members do. We publish four issues a year; each issue is a cluster of articles on a theme, as well as other timely essays and non-traditional forms of publication. We also bring you practical tools, guidelines, calls for papers, grant opportunities, and more.


Editor in Chief
Wim Laven

Interviews Editor
Gabriel Ertsgaard

Production Manager
Emma Lovejoy

Advertise with Us


The PJSA publishes three issues a year independently and a fourth issue is co-published with the Peace Science Digest. This quarterly publication is a very cost-effective way to reach a large and dedicated audience of educators and advocates.

Interested in becoming a Chronicle sponsor?

Have a dynamically-linked sponsorship banner embedded at the foot of every page. Sponsor an issue or become an annual sponsor. PJSA offers the first month of sponsorship free on annual plans. Please contact us to discuss rates and guidelines or learn more by visiting our Sponsorship page.

The Chronicle also offers a range of advertising opportunities. In addition to the online version of our e-zine, a PDF of each issue is beautifully formatted and distributed via email to members and friends of the PJSA.

Want to place an ad in our PDF version?

Our pricing as follows allows the ad to run twice:
$100 business card (3.5” x 2”)
$150 quarter page (3.5” x 4.5”)
$200 single page banner (1024px x 150px)
$250 half page (7” x 4.5”)
$450 full-page (7” x 9”)
Ads should be in JPEG or PNG format (no bleed)

To place an online advertisement or sponsor The Peace Chronicle, please contact us at info@peacejusticestudies.org. We are happy to share our membership, site statistics and demographics with you upon request.