Mahatma Gandhi Center for Global Nonviolence at James Madison University
For those seeking to co-sponsor the conference, event support can come in many forms. One way is to purchase an advertisement in our conference program which is delivered to all conference attendees and speakers. The rates for advertisements are listed below:
$350 quarter page (3.5” x 4.5”)
$450 single page banner (1024px x 150px)
$600 half page (7” x 4.5”)
$800 full-page (7” x 9”)
Ads should delivered as JPEG or PNG files with no bleed.
We also offer sponsors the opportunity to fund particular plenaries, keynotes or other events. Organizations seeking to serve as co-sponsors of the conference or particular events should reach out to info@peacejusticestudies.org. Conference co-sponsors may also utilize exhibitor tables on site, but must coordinate this with conference organizers in advance to ensure availability.