Speakers Bureau

Are you interested in finding a keynote speaker, presenter, trainer, or consultant related to the broad areas of peace and social justice? Consider one of our highly qualified, dynamic speakers. If your campus, school or organization needs a speaker for your next event, get in touch. The bureau is composed of a well-known group of scholars and activists who can address multiple peace, justice, environmental, and human rights issues. Speakers are available for all age ranges and types of groups.

This exciting venture highlights the incredible work of our members, and advances the workings of our field. The primary intention of the Speakers Bureau is to help carry the mission and values of the PJSA to a broader audience. Understanding that various groups and organizations are often seeking trainers, workshop facilitators, presenters, keynote speakers, and the like, the bureau allows us to help address these needs while showcasing the many talented scholars, educators, and activists among our membership.

Requesting a speaker

Our growing catalogue of speakers includes experts in the fields of nonviolent social change, human rights, US foreign policy, the Middle East, intellectual freedom, ecology and peace, gender issues, voting rights, community organizing, peace education and more. Please peruse our featured speakers, and if you find one that meets your needs, get in touch and we will get back to you as quickly as possible to negotiate the details.