PJSA Ex Officio – Executive Director, Dr. Michael Loadenthal (Miami University) Dr. Loadenthal speaks about terrorism as a global form of political communication that has marked the 21st century through spectacular displays of violence by non-state groups and individuals. Dr. Loadenthal is a Visiting Professor of Sociology and Social Justice at Miami University of Oxford, Ohio, and the Executive Director of the Peace and Justice Studies Association. He completed his PhD in 2015 at George Mason University, and previously completed an MLitt at the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence at the University of St Andrews in 2010. Dr. Loadenthal has taught courses on political violence, terrorism and sociology at Georgetown University, George Mason University, the University of Cincinnati, the University of Malta, and Jessup Correctional Institution. Dr. Loadenthal has served as the Dean’s Fellow for the George Mason’s School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, a Practitioner-In-Residence for Georgetown’s Center for Social Justice, and a Research Fellow at Hebrew Union College’s Center for the Study of Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems.
Learn more about our Executive Committee here: https://www.peacejusticestudies.org/e…
Original source: PacifikMediaCanada (2016)