PJSA partners with The Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis(JTPP)

Dear PJSA members,

It is with great pleasure that we officially announce that you will soon be receiving in your inboxes a digital version of the 3rd Issue of The Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis(JTPP).

Please be on the lookout for this link in the days ahead. If you do not receive the link, this means your membership has lapsed. Please take the time to renew and support PJSA and JTPP. PJSA members will have full access to our 3rd issue and can request hard copies be sent for a nominal fee. Through partnership with the Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA) your 2020 membership includes this relatively new cutting edge journal of peace research and practice. The third issue of the journal is focused on exploring the limits of our current neoliberal capitalist ethos and cultural mindset.

At JTPP we do not shy away from taking on complex and wicked problems with an eye toward developing transdisciplinary peace praxis. We believe that you will enjoy this third issue that aims to make the hegemonic influences of neoliberal ideology and norms more clear and pliable in our own peace practices. In the third issue you will find examples of peace researchers and activists challenging the realities of neoliberalism in the institutions of the media, on university campuses, and after natural disasters. We are eager to grow our readership and are excited about the PJSA-JTPP partnership. We promise that upon reading the forthcoming third issue of the JTPP you will not be disappointed and we hope that you will be inspired and re-energized.

Should you have questions do not hesitate to reach out to either PJSA  at our membership email or to JTPP at: am@jtpp.uk and/or at: connect@jtpp.uk.



Jeremy A. Rinker

Editor: The Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis (JTPP)


Michael Loadenthal

Executive Director, Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA)