As we gear up for our 2019 conference, there are many options for your involvement. You could run an advertisement, host an information table for your organization, or sponsor a coffee break.
Here are the relevant details with all amounts listed in USD:
- The costs for advertising in the 2019 program are: $130 for a business card size (3.5” x 2”), $200 quarter page (3.5” x 4.5”), $330 half page (7” x 4.5”), $600 full-page (7” x 9”). Ads should be in JPEG format if at all possible (no bleed); PDF and Word files are also acceptable if necessary. We need the final copy by August 20, 2019.
- In terms of organizational tables, there are two days for tabling, Saturday 12-3 pm and Sunday 12-6 pm to. Rates are as follows and include both days:
- $160 for commercial businesses, full table
- $130 for non-profit and grassroots activist groups, full table
- $80 for half-tables (approximately 3 feet) for commercial or non-profits
- We are also offering paired advertisement-table options in the form of conference co-sponsorship. This means that for one fee you can have an advertisement in the program, be listed as a conference co-sponsor online and in print, and have the availability of a table for literature, selling items, etc. Sponsorship enables the PJSA to offer lower rates for students and cover the costs of special guests, keynote speakers and special events. We offer the following packages:
- Sponsor: 1 half-table & a business card sized ad $280
- Advocate: 1 half-table & a half-page ad $600
- Ambassador: 1 full table & a full-page ad $930
- Champion: 1 full table, full-page ad, & 2 conference registrations $2,000
If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please let us know.