Song: Peace

By Jack Prince

Listen to Peace on Spotify

Since I was around the age of 8 I’ve wanted to make music. My father and my grandfather both used to make music and I thought that I should carry on the old Prince family legacy. The family business is running the Gaslight Melodrama (boo the villain, cheer the hero) and entertaining is in my blood, making others happy is a great feeling.

I first started playing in my friend’s garage when I was 12. I got a call from my friend Fox asking if I wanted to play in a band (he only asked because I had lied saying that I could play guitar), of course I said yes right away because it was the start of something I’ve wanted to do for the last 4 years! 

I learned a little bit of guitar and went to practice a week after I got the call. The band consisted of me (Jack Prince), our singer (Fox Gonzales), our drummer (Maddix Wilson), and our bassist (Kaeden Digirolamo). We were “Blackout”. They soon found out that I couldn’t play, so they put me on bass/keyboard. That band lasted around 7 months. We were terrible. 

Around 6 months later, I got another call from my good friend Dylan White. He asked If I would like to join a band with him and his friends. At this point I had had a decent amount of time playing/learning guitar so I said yes. I was very nervous to join this band because I was the youngest. It consisted of me on guitar, our bassist (Dylan White), our drummer (Colby Bracket), our singer (Ruben Ornelas), our pianist (Parker Sutherland), and our manager/musical director (Noah White). We were “Loneliest In The Room”. That band didn’t last for that long unfortunately, around 4-5 months (but we have talks of starting the band up again with new members). And that leaves us to today. Right now I’m in a band called “Wholesome Goodness” which consists of me on guitar and Kaya Leyendecker singing. We have made quite a few songs and plan to release them sometime soon.

Peace was made on Christmas of 2020. I had just gotten a new bass so I could start to make some REAL songs. Everything in the song describes how I felt on Christmas. All of my worries and stress and anxiety from what 2020 was had all gone away. I couldn’t put it into words so I just started playing my guitar and out came “Peace.” I immediately realized the potential it had and recorded it, everyone could use more peace.


Jack Prince is a 14 year old boy who makes music.