Keynote: Dr. Sol Neely (Heritage University) (Facilitated by Wim Laven)
“The Trail Where They Cried: Historical Violence, Memory, and Repair Across Generations”
During the fall of 2019, Dr. Sol Neely, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, traveled the Trail of Tears with his father and daughter, meditating on historical violence, transgenerational perseverance, memory, and repair.
Dr. Sol Neely is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation and Associate Professor of English and Philosophy at Heritage University, located on the Yakama Nation, where he also serves as Director of Composition. In Fall 2012, he founded the “Flying University,” a prison-education program that brings university students inside the prison for mutual and collaborative study. Dr. Neely earned his Ph.D. from the “Philosophy and Literature Ph.D. Program” at Purdue University, during which time he also completed Cornell University’s School of Criticism and Theory “With Distinction.” He also holds degrees from the University of Alaska Anchorage in English and Philosophy. His specializations include Theory and Cultural Studies, Critical Indigenous Studies, and Phenomenology and Literature. During Fall 2019 sabbatical, he traveled the Trail of Tears with his father and daughter as three generations of Cherokee Nation citizens.