PJSA statement on Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

Approved by the Board of Directors on Oct. 17, 2010.

The Peace and Justice Studies Association strives to support the dignity of every individual and expresses a firm commitment to the well-being and safety of our members. Gender discrimination and sexual harassment in any form are not only contrary to our aim of a more peaceful and just world, but also morally reprehensible because they undermine the dignity of community members and often represent an unfair exploitation of power.

As an organization, we take seriously our responsibility to educate all members of the community about the nature of gender discrimination and sexual harassment, their effects on both individual and communal well-being, and the steps necessary to move toward an anti-harassment culture. In addition to our commitment to equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination for all our members, we privilege restorative methods of justice.

Alleged cases of discrimination and harassment when brought to the Board of Directors will be investigated in a confidential manner by the Board Chair of Ethics. If it is confirmed that a member’s actions have been inconsistent with our organization’s values, we will do what is in our power to bring redress and healing to the victim and prevent future occurrences. In extreme cases the Board reserves the right to withdraw membership from the offending party.

*Gender discrimination is included in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (among others), and is defined for our purposes as discrimination based upon the attitude and belief that one gender or sex is inferior, less competent, or less valuable than the other.

**Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and unwelcome behavior that happens to a person because of one’s sex. When it occurs on the job it violates the laws against sex discrimination in the workplace, includingTitle VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.